We can all agree that having the right logo is a crucial component in ensuring optimum awareness of your brand. Nailing this goes a long way in building your brand identity, separating you from your competitors, and most importantly, making a strong first impression on a prospective customer.
But how do I get my logo right? And what can I do to make mine stand out from everyone else?
Below we will discuss seven considerations for creating a killer logo:
Making your logo unique
Your logo is your brand signature and therefore it should be completely unique to you. Having a logo that is similar to another brand, most significantly a competitor, then this will only serve to be detrimental in your quest for brand identity.
You may like the logo of that coffee shop down the road or your local hair salon but the aim of the game is to differentiate yourself as much as possible from these.
Is it memorable?
Could you draw your logo out from memory or dictate how it looks to someone in conversation? These are questions that you need to ask yourself before moving forwards. Think about logos that the most successful brands use or even products and services that you use every day. We can guarantee that you will be able to recall how these look without any kind of challenge.
Making your logo memorable will go a long way in gaining repeat visits and customer loyalty.